Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

The Truth of Positive Thinking

Some people (i'm too) are very skeptical about positive thinking because i have tried it in the past and did not see any real improvement in their lives. because i have big mistake to enter in positive thinking...

Positive thinking is only effective when it inspires you to take positive action towards achieving your goals.

Over time, repeated positive action becomes a positive habit and it is these habits that will bring you the positive results you desire.

The main reason people become disillusioned with positive thinking is because they mistakenly expect positive thoughts to lead directly to positive results. When things don't improve, they then dismiss the concept of positive thinking entirely. This is a big mistake.

Once, you understand that positive thinking is the first step of a powerful four step process, you will discover that the true benefit of positive thinking is that it gives you the impetus to take action.

Try it....

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